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Training & Personal Development at MinterEllison

8.8 rating for Training, based on 95 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
Very strong commitment to continuing professional development. Frequent training sessions on team-specific topics and more general professional training. i have been able to shadow lawyers to court hearings which allowed me to attend hearings under supervision as soon as i was admitted.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Aug 2024
There are formal training sessions provided to graduates nationally on key areas like time management. There are also seemingly endless opportunities to participate in cpd seminars. Trainings on emerging technologies like ai also feature prominently. Informal training opportunities occur most days, with new and increasingly challenging tasks being assigned. Opportunities to attend court are also encouraged by the team, even where doing so is purely to observe.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Aug 2024
Very regular updates on legal developments and general legal skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Aug 2024
Minterellison has training sessions for grads that are tailored towards each team. It's very hands on which accelerates a juniors learning.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Aug 2024
During the clerkship, you rotate through two teams and receive a good amount of team-specific and general legal training. As a grad, the firm flies you to sydney for a week of training with the other australian offices, where you hear from a range of senior partners at the firm and receive legal and non-legal training. They also put on a number of social events so that you can connect with other grads at your level across australia. As a graduate, you do 3 6-month rotations and receive various types of training throughout each team.
Graduate, Perth - 20 Aug 2024
The training content in general is pretty generic. It's also really hands off (despite presenters trying to make their teams presentations interactive). More hands on in person training would be better. E.g., it's difficult to learn a program by watching versus doing. Also there is no training on some of the most useful features in microsoft word which is strange given most people use it every day!
Graduate, Perth - 19 Aug 2024
The firm has delivered training both online via teams and in person with senior staff members.
Graduate, Perth - 19 Aug 2024
Broad range of cpd training programs. Incidental training with staff in the course of client work. Soft skills and knowledge skills are developed each day.
Lawyer, Melbourne - 15 Aug 2024
Coming in at an entry level position i was nervous about how much support i would receive as i learnt how to actually do the job. On my team i feel so supported in my learning. Coming in there was a set schedule i could see with a different team member assigned to help me each week, they tailored their teaching style as much as possible to my learning style. My team has developed a lot of resources to aid in learning. We have a very dense notes platform with steps and instructions that i always have access to, as well as constant support from my whole team in regard to any questions i may have. There is a lot to learn in my position, i have a feeling in fact that i will still be learning for a long time coming, but i do feel that my training has been very detailed and in-depth. I also know that if i do feel that i need more assistance or support i would defiantly feel comfortable going to my manager with this. My manager regularly checks in with me to check on my progress and to see if there is any additional support i need or any way that i might need my training adjusted to suit my needs.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Jul 2024
I went through 3 months of training. Each week i was paired up with a buddy, who was someone in my team. We sent a lot of the day going through tasks and training. There was also formal training, which was online modules, these are ongoing. also, different members of different teams, setup meetings with me and explained what they do and how our roles align.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Jul 2024
I have developed my skills in legal research, memo writing, observing how clients are managed, using different programs, and time management.
Summer Clerk/Casual Paralegal, Perth - 07 Nov 2023
Training was useful and continues to be provided throughout my graduate rotations.
Graduate, Melbourne - 19 Oct 2023
Formal and informal training is great - feel supported and have space to learn
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Oct 2023
I think doing a range of work for different people is the best training. But the formal training was pretty good too. Having a person you feel comfortable asking silly and simple questions is also really good.
Graduate, Perth - 16 Oct 2023
Very comprehensive but potentially a little too comprehensive. The majority of the training was crammed into the first week which made it difficult to process and maintain everything.
Graduate, Adelaide - 16 Oct 2023
Onboarding training was excessive and not useful, i went into starting work not knowing how to open or close documents in imanage but have excessive training on the intranet. when i receive training/ feedback from supervisors at work it is better.
Graduate, Brisbane - 16 Oct 2023
My team ran very comprehensive training program that was scattered throughout our first few weeks that was run by the senior and junior members of the team which was so incredibly helpful, and helped me wrap my head around all aspects of the diverse practice. They also had a great handbook that was written up with processes and useful information. My previous team had one as well, and i deeply appreciated having the wisdom of past employees while i was learning and finding my feet. Grad training was run over a week and was very comprehensive, although we were all very disappointed that we didn't get a change to go to sydney or melbourne like other top tier firms for some grad bonding.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2023
There was general induction training, but in my view the most valuable training and development has been group-specific training. As well as seminars run by senior members on key topics, it has also been highly valuable to have regular one on one chats with supervisors to learn from their practical experience.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2023
Team training sessions vary - usually extensive.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2023
Legal research training, general use of systems training
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Oct 2023