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How do rotations in the BHP graduate program work?

Alison Nugent

Manager Mine Scheduling

When you apply or take on a position at BHP, where you enter is probably aligned with your university discipline, but it also depends which area you apply to as well. But, we've had many examples where people have started off with something and wanted to move into another area. For example, there have been fully appointed engineers who started in a similar position in an engineering team and then transferred across to mine planning. Similarly, we've had people start in mine planning transfer to technology.

If you've got interest in broadening your horizons with regard to what you're doing, there's definitely opportunities there if you flag them with us. We'll work with you and other team members to do that.

Most notably within BMA, you'd rotate around to different sites so if you were in the same discipline you might do some engineering work with the maintenance team here at Peak Downs and then maybe go to Blackwater or Broadmeadow underground for your second year.

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